Little League Softball Starter Set

  • $14.99

In stock (25 items available)

A new spin on our classic Clutch Baseball game now for kids (and adults too!)

Clutch Little League was designed by my daughters Rebecca and Madelyn who are 13 and 14.  It's a game for kids by kids!

Relive the memories of playing Little League with this 36 player set.  Each manager drafts a team and battles it out for 6 innings of small ball!

Every player in the set qualifies for 2 positions plus the ability to pitch when you flip the card over.

    • Product Size
      36 Cards
    • Weight
      0.25 lbs
    • SKU

Take me out to the board game.

New Swingman Pitcher cards!

New Catcher Defense Range!

Baserunning and Stealing now separate!

New colorful design!