2024 Opening Day Set Bundle

  • $139.99
In stock (23 items available)

450 cards.

180 Pitcher Cards - 6 per team
180 Batter Cards - 6 per team
54 Strategy Cards - 29 unique
30 Stadium Cards
2 Bench Coach Cards
2 Hitting Coach Cards
2 Pitching Coach Cards

Please note that this item is the above listed cards ONLY and does not include other game elements. If you have no existing Clutch product you will want to also pick up the Core Strategy Cards and the 3 Dice Set.

    • Product Size
      450 Cards
    • Weight
      3 lbs
    • SKU

Take me out to the board game.

New Swingman Pitcher cards!

New Catcher Defense Range!

Baserunning and Stealing now separate!

New colorful design!